Friday, May 20, 2011


A friend of mine, a friend I look up to, was born 23 years ago today. I think we have a weird relationships with birthdays...we say happy birthday and we want to party and celebrate, which is wonderful. I realized today that I rarely think about why we do that. Today I did. Some people make a real positive impact in your life. This friend has made me think, and not always intentionally. She has done things I wish she hadn't, but in the end, it doesn't matter. Today I realized how lucky I am to have so many wonderful people in my life. I think it is especially relevant with the recent loss of a professor. You never know what a birthday will be someone's last. This friend has taught me to take every moment and enjoy it. She has a very carefree attitude that I admire and such a positive outlook on life, even when things are looking grim. I'm very thankful to know her and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
You Were Born-Cloud Cult
An XKCD comic after the jump...we're both fans.

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