Sunday, May 29, 2011

Better Life?

I'm not a fan of living in the United States. I disagree with many of the cultural values. Where in the world could I go where I would have fewer qualms with the culture? Well I discovered, with the help of an article from this article, a really awesome tool for comparing other countries.
So let me describe it. This is the OECD Better Life Index. The OECD is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and is a group of 34 countries. The index covers 11 categories that are used to measure quality of life. Each country is ranked in each category, then you get to rank how important each category is to you. When you are done you get a visual of what country, based on these categories, would you be most happy living in. The website does a better job explaining it.
The most interesting thing is how they are using the users rankings. By seeing how you rank the categories, the OECD Better Life Initiative will be able to better understand what matters to people. So if most people rank income high and education low, for example, that means to make citizens happy more effort should be put into raising the income.
I really love this index. I love how fun it is for me as a user to see what countries can better provide what I look for, but even more for how it is working as a research tool. While you can only go so far to categorize happiness, I think this tool is useful to learn what really matters to citizens. What does make our life better.
For me Canada, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and Denmark all ranked high, with Turkey failing.

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