Monday, May 23, 2011

"Every man is born an original, but sadly, most men die copies"-Abraham Lincoln
I love this quote. I would love to talk about what Lincoln probably meant, but I'm not going to write now. I am going to write about me. I'm not 'normal' least that is what people tell me. I do things differently and am often criticized for it. We work so hard as a society to make everyone the same. There are only so many molds you are allowed to fit into. I find it frustrating. I don't like to be told what to do. 
What I find most frustrating/interesting is what happens to the people that judge me. For example, I get judge for my laziness. I put off my projects for the last minute, I get them done, but not always the best grade I could get. I've gotten a lot of shit for that from friends. I then look at what I am doing with my life. I got into a good graduate program with full funding. Not all of them can say the same thing. Not that graduate school is the only goal, but some people are totally lost. 
I've gotten a lot of shit for how I handle my relationships with men. I am not looking for a serious relationship and I am not going to lie about that. I am happy with what I have and I see others trying to follow the "right" pattern and they are unhappy. People who are boyfriend and girlfriend, because that is what you are suppose to do to have sexual relations with someone. Even though they are not really happy in that situation. People who judge you for being sexual and then will do the same when the chance arises. 
This might be a conspiracy theory, but I think the way we are told to live isn't about creating happiness or success. It is about keeping the common people in place. Why wouldn't the elites want the mass of citizens to be clones? Taught to not think for themselves to fall into line. The path of success that we promote in the US isn't what makes people happy, and it isn't what works. It takes stepping off the path to be happy. Be an original.

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